Check out this video intro presenting our low price Linux web hosting plans, allowing you release your own personal or company sites online rapidly. All of the presented packages are set with loads of features, including an absolutely free Cost Free Website Generation Application in addition to an absolutely free 1 Click Applications Installer, that will help you generate a blog, a message board, a photograph gallery, etcetera in no time. Also, it is possible to register domains for your websites and to take care of everything from inside an intuitive multiple–language Web Site Control Panel.

With BMtec, you’ll be able to make use of a totally risk–free Linux web hosting service. We’ve made our platform using high quality hardware and have put effort and time into changing our software, in order to guarantee a 99.9% uptime.

With the help of the staff at our data center in US, data center in UK, data center in FI, data center in Eastern Europe and data center in AU, we have created an incredibly solid interior network, depending on carrier–class switches and routers. That’s why we can ensure a 99.9% network uptime with BMtec’s web hosting offers.