As script-driven apps store their content within a database, including more info to this type of Internet site shall not cause a larger size of the application files, but in a larger size of the database the website employs. In the event you run a WordPress blog, for example, the disk space its database uses shall grow every time you add new posts and visitors leave responses beneath them. An expanding database can become a problem if the Internet hosting account you use has limited storage space and sometimes even plans with unlimited space in general still have limited database storage space. When you reach the limit, you won't be able to add new information. Other probable consequences are that your website may not perform the way it should or that it may not appear online at all, which could result in lost potential clients.

MySQL Database Storage in Web Hosting

We use a cutting-edge cloud Internet hosting platform and all databases set up in the web hosting accounts on it are handled by a separate cluster of servers, so we have made the decision to not limit the total space they can take. Any database in an account can be of any size, so the development of your Internet sites shall not be constrained, due to the fact that we could keep connecting more and more web servers to the cluster if required for providing both more space and better load balancing. In case you run a discussion board, for instance, you shall not need to worry that way too many users may join or that they might post far too many comments. Taking advantage of our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel, you will be able to export or import a database of any size easily. If you face any problems with this task, you can look at our help articles and video lessons or you can communicate with our support team, that is available round-the-clock, including holidays & weekends.

MySQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Servers

You'll not have any troubles with the size of your MySQL databases in case you have a semi-dedicated server from us as in contrast to many other web hosting service providers, we do not run everything on 1 machine. Instead, we work with a cloud platform, so an entire cluster of web servers is dedicated to managing the databases of our customers. Every time more power or space is needed, we can just attach more servers or hard disk drives to the cluster, so the disk space is virtually infinite. With our services, you can develop your websites or popularize them as much as you'd like without having to worry that your MySQL databases shall grow too much. Whatever the size of a particular database, you shall be able to export or import it without difficulty through your web hosting CP.