Memcached is a memory caching system, which is used to improve the load speed of database-powered websites by caching the queries and the replies between the user and the server. In other words, anytime a specific web page on such a website is requested, the script sends a query to its database to request the information that should be displayed to the website visitor. In case the latter clicks on a link to open another page, the entire operation is executed again and this generates plenty of database queries and excessive server load, particularly if the website has a lot of simultaneous visitors. Memcached "memorizes" this exchange of information, so if any of these pages is requested again, the script no longer needs to request any content from the database, as everything is provided by the caching platform. Thus, the overall speed of your website will "soar" and you will enjoy more satisfied visitors and they will be able to navigate through your site much faster. Plus, Memcached "refreshes" its cache every time any content in the database is changed, so the site visitors will never wind up seeing out-of-date content.

Memcached in Web Hosting

Memcached comes as an optional upgrade with each web hosting package that we are offering and if you’d like to use it for any script-powered Internet site that you host on our avant-garde cloud hosting platform, you will be able to add it in several easy steps via your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. In the meantime, you’ll be given the option to upgrade two different features – the number of instances and the memory. The first one has to do with the number of the websites that can use the Memcached memory caching system simultaneously, so if you need it for several websites, you can get a number of instances. The second one refers to the maximum amount of memory that the system will be able to use to cache information, so for lots of sites (or for one resource-absorbing site), you may want to order more memory for better performance. The memory is offered in increments of 16 megabytes and more memory can be ordered at any time. With the Memcached caching system, each script-powered Internet site hosted on our servers will open amazingly fast.

Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you buy one of our semi-dedicated server packages, you’ll find Memcached as an optional feature in the Upgrades part of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, so if you would like to use it for any of the sites hosted in the semi-dedicated account, you can activate it with just a couple of clicks. The caching platform is perfect for any script-based software app such as WordPress, Joomla, or even a tailor-made one, and based on your needs, you’ll be able to select two separate things – how many sites will use Memcached, in other words – the number of instances; and how much information will be cached, in other words – the amount of system memory that the platform will employ. The two things are not bound to each other, so if you have a traffic-heavy website with a lot of data, you can order one instance and a larger amount of system memory. Memcached will improve the overall performance of your sites soon after you activate it and both you and your website visitors will enjoy much faster loading times.

Memcached in Dedicated Servers

Memcached is available for free with all dedicated servers offered by us and the one and only condition is that the server must be ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel. You can use the data caching system for any database-powered Internet site, including those based on famous web applications – for example, a WordPress weblog or a Joomla-driven social networking website. Each server comes with a certain amount of memory that Memcached can employ, but the minimum amount you’ll get is 3 GB, which is quite enough to optimize the loading speed of extremely popular sites greatly, since this very memory will be dedicated to storing the cached info. The system will start storing information the moment it is activated, so shortly thereafter, you will detect the optimized performance of your websites and the lowered load. Plenty of websites use the Memcached system to improve their effectiveness, including famous ones such as Wikipedia and Reddit.