The monthly traffic characteristic, that is at times also identified as bandwidth or data transfer, indicates the total volume of info which is uploaded to your web hosting account and downloaded from it each month. Your website traffic is produced mostly by website visits - when somebody comes across your web site, the webpages they view are downloaded from your hosting server to his or her computer system or mobile device and they're shown by the web browser. What counts towards the traffic produced is the overall size of these web pages, thus the more visitors you have for a period of time, the more site traffic will be produced. Along with the web site visits, file uploads are also counted towards the entire monthly transfer which means that whenever you upload web site content as well as other files with a file manager or an FTP application, they'll also produce some website traffic. The counter resets on day one of each month and it is not related to the date you've signed up as well as the date you have renewed the website hosting plan.

Monthly Traffic in Web Hosting

The monthly site traffic quota for all of our web hosting packages is sufficient for any kind of web site. If you have a personal blog, a discussion forum or an e-commerce portal, how much information can be transferred to and from your account or hitting some small quota restriction will not be a reason for your websites to be unavailable. In addition, we provide you with in-depth site traffic statistics, so you'll be allowed to check the amount of info is being downloaded at all times. The hourly, daily and monthly numbers will inform you on how your websites do, which files produce the most web site traffic as well as a lot more useful information which can help you take care of the web sites as well as the account as a whole. The stats can be reached with just a couple of clicks in the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

The monthly traffic feature of our Linux semi-dedicated servers is unlimited, or as a number of companies advertise it, unmetered. Of course, we monitor the amount of uploaded and downloaded content for each and every account, but we will never set any limit, which means that your web sites can grow and have more targeted traffic. We only give you comprehensive information what's going on in your account to give you an opportunity to manage your websites even better and to be informed on how they perform. You will be able to observe the traffic generated by each web site along with the most frequently downloaded webpage or file. The results are monthly, daily and hourly. In a continually evolving online world, you are able to get many new visitors with just a single marketing campaign, therefore by supplying a truly unlimited plan, we'll guarantee that you do not lose customers just because your account can't handle the traffic.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

Using a dedicated server, you will have an extremely powerful website hosting product at your disposal and the website traffic quota you will get matches the rest of the features. Your server will be able to make terabytes of traffic every month, so whatever the type or number of websites that you host, you will never have to worry for them being not reachable as a result of insufficient website traffic. To be on the safe side though, we will give you the opportunity to improve this feature if needed. We'll notify you well in advance if you get close to the restriction, so you will have the option to upgrade or lower the site traffic by optimizing your content and avoid any disruption of the work of your websites. You can view the consumed and remaining traffic for the current month via the administration panel that we provide. The data there includes all of the incoming and outgoing transfers, such as software installations and / or updates. In contrast, a hosting Control Panel can offer more detailed data, however only for the site traffic to and from a web host account, not the server as a whole.