Give your web site a boost getting US Located Semi-dedicated Server

Linux Semi-dedicated Servers really are a crossbreed solution. They characterize a distinctive combination amongst the power of a dedicated server and also the user–friendliness of a typical web hosting account. Along with a semi–dedicated server, you will not have root access to the server, and you also will not have to address any kind of server management jobs. And you’ll be able to control every little thing by using our own Web Site Control Panel.

In order to deliver such an innovative web hosting solution, we also require the aid of a top–tier data center in which we are able to install our customized cloud infrastructure. That is why we selected our data center in US to be home of the semi–dedicated servers.

Our data center in US is located in down–town Chicago. It’s directly connected with much of the top–tier Internet companies in USA, delivering great online connectivity for all the sites hosted there. Additionally, because of the unique infrastructure we’ve put together there, we’re able to promise you a 99.9% network uptime.

Using the combined power of our cloud web hosting platform and our datacenter, our US Located Semi-dedicated Servers are the perfect solution for your future web presence.

Other US Hosting Services

Our data center in US features lots of web hosting alternatives for all clients based on the web sites or the web applications they would like to run. We offer US Located Web Hosting for everyone who plans to host a personal blog, portfolio or maybe an online shop. Our cloud hosting packages feature a 99.9% network uptime guarantee and a free domain name. Whenever you need a new home for a really popular site or perhaps a very CPU–intensive web app, then you could opt for any one of our US Located Dedicated Servers. They boast trustworthy hardware elements and deliver a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.

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